Regal Mark International(H.K.) Company Limited


The inspiration and significance of [Eyebrow metaphor for Life] is that Lam Cheung, founder of Hong Kong International Eyebrow Art Academy, after years of study and observation, he has linked eyebrows with fate.  And he also deconstructs different philosophies with the characteristics of the body, making the course content popular in different parts of the world because it is a “fashion craft” derived from alternative science and professional skills.

Since Lam Cheung has been teaching in Europe Germany until now, there is a key point called “matching appropriately”.  Because the semi-permanent makeup technology of eyebrow painting can not only convey emotion, but also transform destiny, eyebrow art course has become an important semi-permanent makeup concept.

Eyebrows and life cannot be separated from life, so eyebrow and eyes should cooperate well together. ” When communicating with others, you will look into each other’s eyes, which shows the importance of eyebrows and eyes.” The color and shape of eyebrows should be coordinated in many aspects.  Even like fashion design, there should be a set of professional design rules. In the course students will be taught the gold line of facial proportions, the shape of the eyebrows, how to design eyebrows professionally, quickly and accurately : How to match the eyebrow color with skin color, how blood type and body temperature affect the coloring, and coloring techniques from hand needle point, embroidery, painting… And so on. The setting, turning, pulling and rubbing of the needle… !

Extra lessons : Eyeliner, lips, Mini tattoos on body… Etc.

Therefore, the relationship between eyebrows and life is not a temporary coincidence, which is also the focus of HKPA eyebrow art course.


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