Regal Mark International(H.K.) Company Limited

Seanogen Premium Anti-Aging Skin Cell Rejuvenation Cream
Product Introduction

The new SEANOGEN® [Premium Anti-Aging Skin Cell Rejuvenation Cream] fights aging and adopts the upgraded Seano®l algae polyphenols. It is more refined and purer than the previous version. Its skin repair effect has been greatly enhanced. It can instantly and deeply moisturize the skin, thoroughly improve cell oxidation, strengthen cell rejuvenation, and fundamentally fight skin aging. This new version can double the effects of removing wrinkles, skin laxity, fine lines, and dull and rough skin, restore smoothness and softness, enhance the skin, reproduce a perfect and young complexion, and allow you to enjoy vitality and radiance.

Solution for 8 Skin Problems :
Laxity / Wrinkles / Spots / Rough / Sensitive / UV / Aging / Postoperative Repair

Better effect with Dr Face Medical Far Infrared Youthful face Device

Suggested retail price :$1880

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Product details
Main Ingredients
Seanol® Polythenol was invented and developed at a cost of USD 45 million. A super-strong anti-oxidant,“sea polythenol”(patent Seanol®) is extracted from Golden Grass (also called Golden Seaweed) found at depths of 100 metres around JeJu Island, one of the seven wonders of the world in Korea. Dr Lee discovered that Golden Seaweed possesses very strong vitality and is not affected by ultraviolet rays. It has an amazing renewable power, remaining youthful and vital for more than one hundred years.
After cleansing your face, apply an appropriate amount to your face, and gently pat your face till the product is completely absorbed. You will have a better effect by using it both in the morning and evening.